With the contribution of WeAct, Pollination, VERRA, and the NGO Tandavanala, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development organized training workshops on the carbon market for the sectors affiliated with the AND (Designated National Authority) in June, July, and August 2024.
Held both online and in-person, the training workshops focused on several key topics: The Paris Agreement and the carbon market (concepts of carbon market and carbon credits), the processes and procedures applicable to host countries under Article 6, implementation options in national guidelines and regulations, relevant considerations for Madagascar in implementing these requirements, and Corresponding Adjustment.
Additionally, a document called the “roadmap” will be developed to guide the establishment of the necessary tools for the Corresponding Adjustment mechanism, ensuring better accounting (to avoid double counting) of carbon credits that will be sold internationally.
Madagascar will be able to fully engage in international carbon market opportunities in the coming months and years.