What do we do?

Gouvernance des ressources naturelles

As a member of environmental advocacy and monitoring platforms, including the Alliance Voahary Gasy (AVG) and the National Environmental Advocacy Coalition (CNPE), the NGO Tandavanala advocates for better governance and proactive responsibility from multi-level authorities in response to the various pressures on Madagascar’s biodiversity resources.

Tandavanala is involved in the management of the COFAV (Corridor Forestier Ambositra-Vondrozo) protected area – Category V IUCN – working with local communities to empower them in ecosystem protection and the smart, sustainable use of their natural resources.

Food security

The NGO Tandavanala supports communities in accessing various social services related to living conditions and food security:

  • Encouraging the sharing of information and know-how among local communities and farmer federations on the use of local products for food and improving living conditions.
  • Developing a vegetation restoration system through fruit tree planting, cash crops, and aromatic plants to enhance nutrition and family income.
  • Conducting feasibility studies and testing the promotion of environmentally friendly value chains.