Tandavanala News

Awareness Campaign Around the Vohibato and Lalangiana Forest Corridor, in Partnership with Alliance Voahary Gasy

In partnership with the Alliance Voahary Gasy and the Aro Voahary Journalists Association, an awareness campaign was conducted in several locations in the Lalangiana and Vohibato districts, including: the Rural Commune of Sahambavy, the village of Ambatovaky, and the Commune of Ampangaba Alatsinainy Ialamarina. These locations were selected for the campaign due to the severe exploitation of natural resources by the local population.

The majority of people in these areas work as charcoal producers, and in wood for heating and construction.

Several topics were discussed over a few days to inform community members about:

  • Laws governing the local management of natural resources, such as forest management
  • Their responsibilities regarding the transfer of resource management assigned to them
  • Partnerships with environmental organizations to address challenges related to resource management

This campaign provided a significant opportunity for the population to also voice their concerns and problems regarding the management of the resources assigned to them. They particularly expressed a desire for support to improve their living conditions and meet their daily needs, so as not to rely on natural resources for subsistence.

Various issues regarding the division of responsibilities in forest management were also discussed, with each stakeholder mentioned: forest administration officials, development and conservation organizations, and community members themselves. Each party, according to their view, should take responsibility and make decisions to ensure better management of natural resources.

The information collected by the Alliance Voahary Gasy team will be processed and disseminated to the relevant authorities. Following this awareness activity, the toll-free number 512 remains open to the public for any information, suggestions, or complaints related to conservation and environmental management in Madagascar.