The NGO Tandavanala supports communities in accessing various social services related to living conditions and food security:
– Encouraging the sharing of information and know-how among local communities and farmer federations on the use of local products for food and improving living conditions.
Developing a vegetation restoration system through fruit tree planting, cash crops, and aromatic plants to enhance nutrition and family income.
Conducting feasibility studies and testing the promotion of environmentally friendly value chains.
The NGO Tandavanala is a non-profit organization; its actions, as well as those of the goodwill individuals who support it, will directly benefit the environment and the well-being of communities.
“I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water.” (Isaiah 41:8)
TANDAVANALA is a Non-Governmental Organization registered in Madagascar. Apolitical, it works towards the sustainable management of natural resources and actions for sustainable development.
2024 Tandavanala. All rights reserved.